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Can’t Sign in to Dreemar Admin

If you can’t sign in to your Dreemar account, follow the instructions for help getting back into your account.
To reset your password:
  1. Click Forgot your password? on the Dreemar Admin’s log-in page.
  2. Enter your email address associated with your Dreemar account and click Submit.
  3. Access your email inbox and look for an email from with the subject of Reset Dreemar’s account password.
  4. Reset your password as prompted.


  • Password reset email will only be sent to the email account registered to Dreemar. If you entered a different email address not registered to Dreemar in the Forgot your password? page and it prompted you Forgot password confirmation: Please check your email to reset your password, you will still not receive the password reset email.
  • Password reset link is only valid for 7 days from the time of the request.
  • In setting up a new password, it must be at least 6 and at a max of 100 characters.
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