Dreemar Augmented Reality (AR) creates an exciting, unique, immersive, and emotional connection with family, friends, and consumers by adding interactive content such as video, animation, documents, surveys, and games etc., to any graphic or 3D object scanned with a mobile device. From interactive packaging, bringing photographs and museum sculptures to life, creating an unmatched connection with a user, Dreemar Augmented Reality is a world leading Augmented Reality solution available to all.

Intuitive User Interface
Dreemar provides an intuitive User interface to create and manage your AR Projects in minutes without any technical experience

Think Out Of The Box
AR is limited only by your imagination bringing a more impactful, immersive, and emotional experience to photo’s, products and more

Measure ROI
But what makes Dreemar unique is that every interaction is measurable, providing critical real-time user statistics
Download the App
Scan the QR Code to download the Dreemar App, and simply scan the following images to view several examples of Augmented Reality in action

Transform photo related products with immersive interactive video to provide a greater emotional link with that special occasion
Give Publications Life
Bring a completely new multi-dimensional, immersive approach to education and conveying information across Educational, Storytelling and Scientific books, Magazines, and Newspapers.

Packaging & Labels
Gamify to attract a younger audience (scan & hit the crackers) and/or add links to product information relating to application, health, green initiatives, surveys, quiz, interactive loyalty programs. The possibilities are endless


Management Dashboard
We provide one of the leading AR Management Consoles with integrated AR Analytics Dashboards.
You have complete control to manage and monitor all your campaigns and related experiences, and assess in real-time the effectiveness and engagement ratio of each.
As all interactions on content are measurable, you derive rich, strategic insights to guide future campaigns based on facts. Our customised AR analytics can significantly improve consumer engagement and conversions, increasing your ROI.

Dreemar Transforms AR Through Analytics to Make Data-Driven Decisions
AR is considered to be one of the most exciting developments in the digital marketing space. Leading businesses globally both large and small, have adopted AR to enhance their marketing communication through a more informative, interactive and immersive experience.
What makes this successful is that as consumers opt-in to experience AR, AR driven campaigns command higher engagement ratios and greater end-user time spent, as compared to traditional digital marketing devices.
And now with Dreemar AR solutions, every interaction is measurable, tracking every user interaction, time spent on every experience etc., to provide invaluable customer insights, increase the ROI and drive data-driven decisions of the future.

Effectiveness of AR Marketing
Dreemar’s integrated AR Analytical engine, provides the real-time dynamism of AR campaigns, giving rise to a minefield of rich data. The data extends to end user insights from which experiences have the highest engagement ratio and which bring about higher conversions.
With the help of our AR Analytics, you are able to see the exact duration of time the product experience was viewed; what other product experiences were viewed in the same session; and what action your customer chose to take post engagement. If we may say, augmented data analytics is no less than getting a sneak peek inside the mind of your consumers.

Dreemar: A Global Powerhouse in AR Innovation
Dreemar and our Clients through their application of the Dreemar AR Platform, have achieved global recognition through Innovation and Technology Awards, across multiple industry sectors.
Dreemar pioneers development and expansion of creativity across AR, expanding the horizons of applications across all sectors of life.
Dreemar made this project so easy, from the first step all through to delivery. They gave constant communication through the process and really considered our guests’ experience. We were thrilled with the results.
Thanks for all the immense support that you and the team have given us. Your software has re-energised our magazine with the integration of AR. We trended #1 on both app stores for education.
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