Undeniably, Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the most exciting developments with multiple studies showing AR returning a significantly higher Return on Investment (ROI) across the marketing mix.
By applying an interactive “digital layer”, AR offers tremendous untapped potential to transform the way we learn, work and play. Brands that have implemented AR are able to demonstrate the significant impact this technology has made on their bottom line. Consequently, AR is destined to be the future of marketing.

Measure ROI In Real-Time
How Does AR Contribute to a Higher ROI?
Return on Investment (ROI) is measured on brand awareness, recall, engagement, and sales per marketing dollar. Numerous global studies show AR outperformed conventional mediums on all these fronts, resulting in a noticeably higher ROI.
The most compelling evidence is that AR commands deeper consumer engagement levels as compared to any other marketing tool. Critically, this is because of the novelty factor associated with the technology. Specifically, users opt-in to experience an interactive, immersive, multisensory user experience. Indeed, this is why AR has found many fans among leading brands globally.
AR ROI Contributions
Dreemar provides a unique, unmatched advantage in the AR world, providing real-time end-user analytics. As users interact with each experience, Brands receive rich user data, measuring the effectiveness of each campaign. Actual user data is measurable and can assist in fine-tuning future campaigns.
In this way, AR offers a much higher ROI given AR content can be adapted in real-time to constantly adapt messaging to end-user interaction data.
Without a doubt, investing in Augmented Reality is a serious consideration within your marketing strategy. The continued growth of this technology across all industry sectors is proof of the value AR adds to any campaign.
Dreemar have an extensive global client base across multiple market sectors, driven to stay innovative and lead AR technology development. We take pride in having a passionate team that can help guide your journey and assist in creating immersive visitor experiences in AR.