Without doubt, we live in an age where information technology has a significant link to Tourism and Events.
Undeniably, as mobile device, the internet and web-based technology has developed, so too has our dependency on these technologies influenced our interaction across virtually every aspect of our lives and especially during vacations and business travel. The ease of information availability plays a crucial role in work and increasingly our social interaction.
The Key Benefits For Tourism & Events
Interactive Tour Guides
Augmented Reality (AR) tour guides display relevant content upon request as visitors navigate a city, a theme park or any point of interest. AR allows users to explore the world by adding additional layers of content to signage, interactive maps, brochures, leaflets etc., thus resulting in highly dynamic experiences.
Gamify Event Experiences
Make your conference more entertaining by gamifying it with games, leaderboards, and networking opportunities. AR brings a new creative avenue to the interactive possibilities at events. Organisers can take attendees on digital scavenger hunts or set up friendly competition stations for attendees to face-off in an AR game.
Increased Sharing Opportunities
AR applications offer the possibility for social interaction and sharing among the various users. Applications leveraging the functionalities of AR can capitalise on the ability to share precious memories through social messaging integration further promoting the event, venue, vacation that would otherwise be lost. Free promotion without the additional investment needs!
Dreemar have an extensive global client base across multiple market sectors, driven to stay innovative and lead AR technology development. We take pride in having a passionate team that can help guide your journey and assist in creating immersive visitor experiences in AR.
The Dreemar solution hosts a Management Console and possibly the world’s first integrated AR Analytics Dashboard that tracks real-time end user interaction with each and every campaign you run, a true measure of ROI.